If you are anything like me, the thought of introducing yourself to and talking with strangers is not necessarily pleasant. Small talk can be awkward and sometimes you just don’t know what to say. But trust me, the potential for awkwardness is worth it when you really think about it. Here are the reasons why networking is worth the pain:


One of the best things you can get out of networking is confidence. The more you practice talking with and meeting new people, especially when you are more introverted like me, the more confident you can be at work. Whether it’s in a meeting with a new client or being more comfortable during an interview, your networking skills can translate to many professional situations.


This one may be obvious, but it warrants mentioning. With networking come professional connections that can come in handy when you least expect it. You may meet people in similar spots in their careers and these people can be great sounding boards for work dilemmas or even connections when looking for new career opportunities. On the other hand, you may meet people more seasoned in their careers. These people can be great if you are looking for mentors and career advice, and yes, good connections if you are looking for new opportunities. But don’t forget, you may be the “more seasoned” connection to someone else and be looked to for advice! This is a great opportunity to teach what you know and have experienced in your career.


This one is probably the least obvious. When you are networking and talking with professionals, you have the opportunity to learn more about your industry and even other industries. What I mean is that you may learn about different professions that could influence the way you do your job. You may learn how to do or think about something different that can give you a new perspective on your role as part of a bigger picture. You may even learn about a new type of position that you want to pursue for your career.

So yes, networking isn’t the most fun thing to do, but it is definitely worth your time and effort. If you are looking for some more low-key networking opportunities, Ad 2 Madison has just the event!

4th Annual Birthday Bash

Thursday, August 10th, 6:30-8:30 p.m.

Great Dane – Hilldale

Celebrate Ad 2 Madison’s birthday with current and past Ad 2 Madison members.